If you are facing a low sound in your earbuds: 

  • Make sure your Earbuds and the mobile device are within the 10m range to each other
  • Low battery level may cause the disconnection from the mobile
  • If the battery level is less than 10% charge the Earphones
  • If the battery level is more than 10% proceed with the next step


To check Battery level 


  • Go to settings of your Bluetooth device 
  • Click on the Noise Beads
  • Check the battery percentage
  • Increase the volume from your Bluetooth device and Noise Buds Beads
  • Tap the right earbud once to increase the volume
  • Sound problems may occur due to an issue with the Music player, try playing the same track with a different music player to notice a difference.

Note: Visibility of the battery level is subjective and may vary brand to brand

  • In case this does not work. Try with a different music player. 

Chances are, you might have an issue with the mobile. 

  • You can check if the Earbuds is working well using a different mobile. If the issue still persists with an alternate device proceed with raising a complaint on our website.